It is hard to believe that my last blog was at the end of May! The summer is flying by and I have to admit that I shut down for just a bit after the wedding. Recently I have been very busy with the newest man in my life. He has curly blonde hair, big blue eyes and when asking for an oatmeal"tookie" he cocks his head to one side and says "peas dramma" and he always gets a cookie! His name is Rylan and I am his Dramma. Last summer I had him Monday through Friday for a couple of months while his parents looked for a new daycare. This summer, simply to help with day care costs, I have him all day on Wednesdays and Fridays. I was fortunate enough to stay at home with my children until they started kindergarten so our days are very similar to the ones I spent with his dad and uncle. We go for walks, garden, read, sing and most recently, argue in the way that a two year old who is just learning to assert himself will do; a tug of war over toddler issues like "one more bite" and "hold my hand". The biggest difference (besides a back that never forgets to remind me at day's end that I am 50)is that I am not worried about "getting it right" this time. I don't worry about the unwanted bath, the spilled juice or the one too many cookies. I am old enough to know what will really matter in the end and besides, I figure it's his parent's job to worry about whether or not he will take a binky to the prom. My job is singing, reading, laughing and popsicle giving at any given moment even if there are dishes to wash and floors to sweep..
When I was pregnant with his father my sister-in-law, Melissa, cross stitched a sampler for me that is still, today, one of a very few keepsakes that I treasure. A simple poem;
Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
For babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep
I hung it in his small room just above the rocking chair and I used to read it daily to remind my self that time is fleeting, I don't need the sampler to remind me now because just yesterday a little, blonde hair, blue eyed boy named Jon Colin climbed into my lap to read a book, I blinked and in the time that it takes to say Winnie the Pooh, he became a man and a wonderful father.
My Grandma Kane used to tuck my sister and me in at night by saying "We sure made a memory today!" It's my turn...I am making memories and I want them all to be good ones.