
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Emmalynn Jane

It has been a long hot summer and I for one am glad it is over. I have had difficulty with my back for years and tolerated it until I began having to lift a 42pnd 2 year old. I decided to seek treatment and a chiropractor was recommended. After the first visit I felt better for aprox two days and then the pain returned. I assumed of course that with more treatments the amount of time I was free of pain would extend. I was urged by Dr. Bob to pay in advance for six visits and receive a discount for an up front cash payment. After the second visit I was immediately in pain that never subsided. I am anti-pharmaceutical including pain relievers but now found that I was having to take daily ibuprofen to function. I could no longer do any gardening and no lifting two years olds. I conveyed this to Dr. Bob who decided to change course of treatment. After the third visit I was unable to walk for two days and have since had difficulty off and on since my that last visit on July 12th. I am now under the care of a different chiropractor who took x-rays ( did I mention Dr. Bob did not?) and found that I have a curvature in my lower spin and two compressed discs. I am cautiusly optimistic that I may eventually be able to weed the garden and lift my grandson.
But that is not what this blog is about (as the name implies). It is about a ray of light in the midst of my self pity and pain.
Emmalynn Jane was born on August 24th at 12:10 weighing 8pnds 11oz and she is beautiful. Perfect pink complexion, rosy lips and a full head of black hair.
She came into the world in a cool, quiet birthing room while the world outside buzzed to a  heat index of a 110.
A wonderful, perfect summer gift! Thank you Megan, Colin and, oh yes, thank you God for reminding me of what really matters, in case you hadnt't noticed I had kind of forgotten!