The calendar clearly indicates that it is winter in the midwest with the first day of spring not to arrive for nearly two more months but you would have a tough time convincing my black lab of that. 56 degrees today and 60 tomorrow...early spring or a cruel hoax? The snow we got was minimal and disheartening for those of us who relish that big snow that traps us inside of our homes...forced to catch up on reading and drinking mulled wine. Watching the snow fall hour after hour through the frosted windows wearing flannel pajamas and no makeup means so many things to a midwesterner. It is filled with childhood memories of course and so much more. It is a reminder that calendars and schedules mean nothing to the natural forces that at any moment can take control of our days but snow is different from all of the other tricks in Mother Natures handbag. Unlike tornadoes, hurricanes or floods which frighten, devastate and drive us together...snow is beautiful...a pristine blanket that silences the world around us, isolating us from all except those who share our home. It is a necessary part of our midwestern lives. It helps us keep track of our seasons not to mention our wardrobes. Spring: flowers and light sweaters, Summer: tomatoes and sandals, Fall: Pumpkins, jeans and flirty boots, Winter: Snow and heavy coats, scarves, hats, gloves, sleds and shovels!
When the boys were in school we couldn't wait for that day when the early news would call out the name of their school in the closings. Heaven! Hot chocolate and baking and board games and if we were lucky enough, power loss, so we would have to rely on candles to continue our board game.
But no school closings this year. Christmas sleds and mittens left untouched. Bags of salt piling up in the local farm and home supply.
Of course there is still time...still a chance that sometime in February or March we could hear the weather man say that the big one is on it's way but like the blind date who leaves you sitting at the restaurant nursing a glass of Chardonnay and fingering the silk scarf you bought especially for the occasion has the nerve to call you a couple of weeks later to say he is "really sorry but something came up" and "he would like to make it up to you"...well, I'm very sorry but... too little too late. Try me again next year.
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